Manage your site

Order site

Here you register site information, fast and easy, so that we can create it for you in Infobric Site.

You will receive a confirmation when the construction site is activated.

Remove site

Use this form when the construction site is completed and the site should be removed.

To remove a construction site, you must be a site administrator for the site. You can also contact your company's authorized system administrator to remove your site.

Manage system users

Here you can request new users who will be able to administrate your construction site. If you are a user administrator, you could also assign permissions.

We create users and send out user data. You will then receive instructions on how to assign them to your construction site.

Remove unit

If you want to remove a unit from a site, you can send a request here.

Here are also instructions on how you can do this on your own if you have access to the site.

Customer service


Opening hours and contact information can be found here.